Blood pressure, pulse, respiration, temperature…
When something is wrong with our mental wellness, it can affect our physical wellness too, such as higher blood pressure, weight gain or loss, shortness of breath and sleeplessness. Beyond the physical, mental health issues can affect relationships with family and friends, job performance and how we deal with life on a daily basis.
Just like any other ailment, it’s completely normal to see your healthcare provider if something is wrong. And similar to a physical check up each year, checking up on your mental wellness is vital to your health. Use the resources below to start you on your mental health journey.
— It’s time for your
Mental Wellness

Do you have feelings of worry, stress, difficulty sleeping, loss of appetite or fatigue?
click if yes

Have you experienced uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts and behaviors you have the urge to repeat over and over?
click if yes

Bipolar Disorder
Do you experience extreme shifts in moods, energy and productivity?
click if yes

Do you have any feelings of sadness or hopelessness, trouble thinking, concentrating or remembering things?
click if yes

Have you experienced an event or events that have left you with physical or emotional pain?
click if yes

Do you have trouble concentrating, staying organized, forgetting to complete tasks or having difficulty staying still?
click if yes
— OUR MISSION IS To communicate
the importance of
mental wellness,
and increase recognition of the ease of access to care.
— Prognosis: Hope
1 in 5 people experience mental health issues.
The good news?
Help isn’t hard to find. The first step is talking about it.
Mental illness is a health condition. And just like most health conditions it’s treatable.
Mental illness can affect anyone, regardless of age, race, or religion, or income level. But many are afraid to talk about it. The more we talk about our mental health, the more we’ll be able to start living as a mentally healthier community.